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Science X Newsletter Week 51

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Here is your customized Science X Newsletter for week 51:

Mesopotamian bricks unveil the strength of Earth's ancient magnetic field

Ancient bricks inscribed with the names of Mesopotamian kings have yielded important insights into a mysterious anomaly in Earth's magnetic field 3,000 years ago, according to a new study involving University College London researchers.

Challenging assumptions: The 8.5-year rhythm of Earth's inner core

Researchers from China have confirmed the existence of an approximately 8.5-year Inner Core Wobble (ICW) in both polar motion and length-of-day variations, revealing a static tilt of about 0.17 degrees between the Earth's inner core and mantle, challenging traditional assumptions and providing insights into the Earth's internal dynamics and density distribution.

Adding a small amount of solid carbon to copper boosts its conductivity

A common carbon compound is enabling remarkable performance enhancements when mixed in just the right proportion with copper to make electrical wires. It's a phenomenon that defies conventional wisdom about how metals conduct electricity.

Newly discovered hedgehog species diverged from others more than a million years ago

Researchers at Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China, have announced the discovery of a new species within the hedgehog genus Mesechinus. The eastern China hedgehog species was found to be distinct from other regional hedgehogs across morphological and phylogenetic characteristics.

Exoplanets' climate: It takes nothing to switch from habitable to hell, say researchers

The Earth is a wonderful blue and green dot covered with oceans and life, while Venus is a yellowish sterile sphere that is not only inhospitable but also sterile. However, the difference between the two is only a few degrees in temperature. A team of astronomers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), with the support of the CNRS laboratories of Paris and Bordeaux, has achieved a world's first by managing to simulate the entirety of the runaway greenhouse process that can transform the climate of a planet from idyllic and perfect for life, to a place more than harsh and hostile.

Researchers use VLT exoplanet hunter to study Jupiter's winds

For the first time, an instrument to find planets light years away was used on an object in the solar system, in a study on Jupiter's winds.

Researchers surprised at levels of toxicity in standard plastic products

The plastic with which we surround ourselves contains a range of chemical additives that can leach out into water systems in the natural environment. This can happen both before and during the plastic degradation process. Even if it takes a long time for products to break down into microplastic particles, the chemicals start to leach from the plastic as soon as it enters the water.

Researchers fear the spoken 'r' is ready to roll away from the last bastion of rhoticity in England

How do you pronounce your "r"s towards the ends of words like Shearer, purr, nerd and pore? And what about those in car, bird and her?

Astronomers detect seismic ripples in ancient galactic disk

A new snapshot of an ancient, far-off galaxy could help scientists understand how it formed and the origins of our own Milky Way. At more than 12 billion years old, BRI 1335-0417 is the oldest and furthest known spiral galaxy in our universe.

Research argues that Occam's razor is an 'essential factor that distinguishes science from superstition'

Occam's razor—the principle that when faced with competing explanations, we should choose the simplest that fits the facts—is not just a tool of science. Occam's razor is science, insists a renowned molecular geneticist from the University of Surrey.

Uncontrolled chemical reactions fuel crises at LA County's two largest landfills

Hundreds of feet underground, in a long-dormant portion of Chiquita Canyon landfill, tons of garbage have been smoldering for months due to an enigmatic chemical reaction.

Analysis of ancient Scythian leather samples shows two were made from human skin

A multi-institutional team of anthropologists has discovered that two pieces of ancient Scythian leather excavated at sites in Ukraine were made from human skin. In their project, reported on the open-access site PLOS ONE, the group tested an account by the Greek historian Herodotus regarding certain behaviors of ancient Scythian warriors.

Scientists uncover link between ocean weather and global climate, using mechanical rather than statistical analysis

An international team of scientists has found the first direct evidence linking seemingly random weather systems in the ocean with climate on a global scale. Led by Hussein Aluie, an associate professor in the University of Rochester's Department of Mechanical Engineering and staff scientist at the University's Laboratory for Laser Energetics, the team reported their findings in Science Advances.

A new strategy for making and manipulating higher-temperature superconductors

Superconductors have intrigued physicists for decades. But these materials, which allow the perfect, lossless flow of electrons, usually only exhibit this quantum-mechanical peculiarity at temperatures so low—a few degrees above absolute zero—as to render them impractical.

Chimps and bonobos can recognize long-lost friends and family for decades, find researchers

Researchers led by a University of California, Berkeley, comparative psychologist have found that great apes and chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, can recognize groupmates they haven't seen in over two decades—evidence of what's believed to be the longest-lasting nonhuman memory ever recorded.

Revealing close and distant relatives in ancient DNA with unprecedented precision

If two persons are biologically related, they share long stretches of DNA that they co-inherited from their recent common ancestor. These almost identically shared stretches of genomes are called IBD ("Identity by Descent") segments. Up to the sixth-degree relatives—such as second to third cousins would be, or a great great great great grandparent—the two relatives even share multiple IBD segments. Personal genomics companies such as 23andme or Ancestry detect those segments routinely in DNA of their customers, and use this signal to distinctively reveal biological relatives in their databases.

Could there be a black hole inside the sun?

It's a classic tale of apocalyptic fiction. The sun, our precious source of heat and light, collapses into a black hole. Or perhaps a stray black hole comes along and swallows it up. The End is Nigh! If a stellar-mass black hole swallowed our sun, then we'd only have about eight minutes before, as the kids say, it gets real. But suppose the sun swallowed a small primordial black hole? Then things get interesting, and that's definitely worth a paper on the arXiv preprint server.

New AI model can predict human lifespan, researchers say. They want to make sure it's used for good

Researchers have created an artificial intelligence tool that uses sequences of life events—such as health history, education, job and income—to predict everything from a person's personality to their mortality.

Hubble sights a galaxy with 'forbidden' light

This whirling image features a bright spiral galaxy known as MCG-01-24-014, which is located about 275 million light-years from Earth. In addition to being a well-defined spiral galaxy, MCG-01-24-014 has an extremely energetic core known as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and is categorized as a Type-2 Seyfert galaxy.

Early Neolithic high mountain settlers were already carrying out complex livestock and farming activities, finds study

An archaeological find in the Huescan Pyrenees allowed researchers to identify for the first time livestock management strategies and feeding practices that demonstrate how the first high mountain societies at the start of the Neolithic period were already carrying out complex livestock and farming activities, instead of being limited to the transhumance of sheep and goats.

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